Standing on my Threshold.
I have had this week to reflect on launching my blog, and finally as I stand on a threshold of my life that has me truly seeing the spiral of life, I am so motivated to let it all begin now. I have lost a dear friend this week. No one is able to give a correct or sure diagnosis of his illness, brought on by diabetes, but many doctors and hospitals could not truly say what the cause was. His wife a Reiki master and incredible massage healer realized his quest to return home in peace, no more poking or prodding, and finally asked the doctors to let him go to the place of summer days and apples..... I supported her in this process, understanding that not all of us want heroic efforts or expensive tests that only continue the pain of both the patient and the loved ones watching the process. He passed, free of fear, knowing he was returning to a place of peace, that his life on this earth was done...he ws truly loved and he will be truly missed. He was a dear and beloved friend and like myself, my good friend Glenn loved a deep belly laugh. He kept me laughing for hours whenever we were together. He was sure to note I was easy to wind up with laughter and he could really work it. He was a trickster and played too many to mention practical jokes on my youngest daughter. She too misses our muse, our trickster, our true bard of the sacred laugh.
On the same threshold, I await the birth of my first grandchild. My lifeblood continued through the gift of my daughter and her incredible husband. Such a divine gift to see your childrens children..I remind her that even though it is hot these July days, you cannot pick the fruit from tree without waiting for it to be just right. That makes for the perfect harvest. Every day baby stays inside her lungs develop strong and healthy. As I had a July delivery for my daughter and her twin brother, I have told my daughter many a hot day pregnant story. We have had a lot of laughs and encouragement laced phone conversations this week.
So I stand on this threshold, loss and life. Yin and Yang. Birth and Death. This is what the true thresholds of life are. We all embrace them differently, but it is my intent as time passes that we may all plan for our death, just the way most people prepare and plan for birth. Since we know death is inevitable, lets work together to make this experience for those that love us and remain when we are gone easier. I will offer you resources and tools to consider the best way to embrace this reality of our time here on earth. Nature teaches us all living things will pass. I will help teach you how to prepare for this experience.
Lastly, thanks to my sistah Joanna Powell Colbert for her birthing my website and encouraging me and blessing me on my journey. What a gift it is to have a sister that has made this new step into technology so comfortable. Check out her talents at and remember she does awesome web design too.
I look to hearing your comments and thoughts. Let us prepare for all the thresholds and share our wisdom.
Love and blessings from the threshold,